Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Oh. Hello there! No, I didn't forget about this place (surprising, no?) but I have been out of town for the past two weeks.
However, in my absence, I have had some time to work on some things, and I shall be posting them within the next couple of days.

Of course, this also leads up to the fact that I am planning to take an indefinite hiatus from here. What with school starting up soon, I doubt I'll be able to keep updating here with any sort of regularity. So, I shall update this blog for the rest of the week, and that will be it. But anyways. On to the artwork!

If you recall, I said that my last piece would have a part 2. Here is how the whole thing looks together, sorta. I realise due to scrolling and everything, you'll have to view it from the top down, but it's meant to be viewed from the bottom up.

Overflowing Emotions - Laugh and Peace

Okay, see you tomorrow.

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